ΔΙΑΔΙΚΤΥΑΚΟ ΣΕΜΙΝΑΡΙΟ Σάββατο 01 Ιουλίου 2023, ώρα 11:00-12:30

ΔΙΑΔΙΚΤΥΑΚΟ ΣΕΜΙΝΑΡΙΟ Σάββατο 01 Ιουλίου 2023, ώρα 11:00-12:30
Θέμα: Το Διαγενεαλογικό Τραύμα και οι Διαταραχές στην Ταυτότητα– η ανικανότητα στο πένθος και οι συνέπειες της
Ομιλήτρια: Χριστίνα Wieland
Βιογραφικό: Christina Wieland is a psychoanalyst, Member of the British Psychoanalytical Society (BPAS), and Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist, Member of the British Psychotherapy Foundation (BPF). She is a Visiting Fellow of the University of Essex and teaches Psychoanalytic Theory at the Psychosocial and Psychoanalytic Department. She has published numerous articles and she is the author of two books: The Undead Mother: Psychoanalytical Explorations of Masculinity, Femininity and Matricide (Karnac) and The Fascist State of Mind and the Manufacturing of Masculinity(Routledge).
Περίληψη: The paper explores the consequences of un-mourned trauma on the next generation and it is rooted in Kleinian theory and in Bion’s theory of the container-contained. Specifically it explores, through clinical material, the development, in the next generation, of a deadly superego that keeps the patient merged with the traumatised parent and stifles the development of the ego and the establishment of a separate identity.